Common Information Model Profile for Dynamic Line Rating (CIM Profile for DLR)

Facilitates the integration of dynamic line ratings within utility software systems
Technology No. CW-23-04

Common Information Model Profile for Dynamic Line Rating (CIM Profile for DLR) is a software solution that facilitates the integration of dynamic line ratings within utility software systems. The software, which uses an XSD framework part of the Common Information Model (IEC 61970 Part 7), is set to be an open-source solution available on the UCA user's group website. The innovation lies in the meticulous selection of components necessary for the implementation of Dynamic Line Ratings, creating a standardized information profile for seamless data exchanges in XML/XSD format. It addresses the prevailing disconnect among vendors and the electric utility community by providing a feasible model for dynamic line rating information exchange. The target audience includes Dynamic Line Rating vendors and the broader utility vendor community, providing a reference point for a solution that was hitherto nonexistent.

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (4)
    Jake Gentle
    Alexander Abboud
    Megan Culler
    Jakob Meng
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    Common Information Model Profile for Dynamic Line Rating (CIM Profile for DLR).pdf
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