TRYC: Total Radioisotope Yield Calculator

TRYC delivers fast, accurate isotopic inventory calculations for neutron irradiation on actinides, offering flexible outputs and detailed insights for neutron experimenters and nuclear forensics.
Technology No. CW-24-37 TRYC

Accurately calculating isotopic yields and decay products from neutron irradiation is essential for research in nuclear forensics and neutron dosimetry. TRYC simplifies this process by offering a fast, detailed isotopic inventory for actinide materials, providing key data such as activity, mass, and dose rates in customizable formats.

Neutron irradiation experiments, especially those involving actinides, demand precise tracking of fission products over time. Current tools like ORIGEN provide broad functionality but lack the ability to separate output data streams in the way that neutron experimenters and nuclear forensics specialists require. TRYC fills this gap by focusing on customizable outputs and detailed analysis for follow-up tools like MicroShield and PeakEasy, helping users analyze decay and radiation patterns more effectively.

TRYC calculates isotopic inventories starting with a user-defined number of fissions in a fissile or fissionable material. It uses ENDF library data to generate the initial fission product (FP) inventory, then applies the Bateman equations to simulate the decay process over a specified period. TRYC outputs detailed information about activity, dose rates, and gamma-ray intensities, formatted for easy integration with tools like MicroShield, PeakEasy, or Excel. With execution times as short as 5-10 seconds, TRYC enables quick, reliable assessments of neutron irradiation effects, and its flexible output options support further analysis and reporting.


• Provides detailed isotopic inventory, reaction rates, and gamma-ray intensities for neutron irradiation on actinides.

• Fast execution, delivering results in 5-10 seconds depending on input complexity.

• Supports output to multiple formats like .txt and .xlsx, compatible with tools like MicroShield and PeakEasy.

• Analytical solutions based on Bateman equations give accurate predictions of fission product inventories over time.

• Customizable outputs for users in neutron dosimetry and nuclear forensics.


• Neutron irradiation experiments on actinides at research reactors.

• Detailed isotopic yield calculations for nuclear forensics.

• Analysis of fission product activity, mass, and dose rates.

• Follow-up analysis using specialized tools like MicroShield or PeakEasy.

• Government and research projects involving neutron dosimetry or forensics.

This software is a controlled nuclear code, subject to a special release process due to its sensitive nature. Please visit the Nuclear Computational Resource Center and create an account to request access.

  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    TRYC: Total Radioisotope Yield Calculator.pdf
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