ACORN: Autonomous Controls fOr Reactor techNologies

Autonomous control system for microreactors
Technology No. CW-23-13-ACORN

ACORN (Autonomous Controls fOr Reactor techNologies) is an INL-developed autonomous control system for microreactors. ACORN optimizes control actions for microreactors by adjusting coolant flow rates, power rates, and heat removal rates to maintain designated setpoints for operation-related state variables like heat fluxes, coolant, and fuel temperatures. It reduces reliance on human intervention and predetermined control procedures. ACORN has been successfully reliable in controlling the heat generation and removal of a 37 heat-pipe-based virtual microreactor during normal and abnormal conditions.

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  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (3)
    Linyu Lin
    Joseph Oncken
    Vivek Agarwal
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    ACORN: Autonomous Controls fOr Reactor techNologies.pdf
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