AOCCD: Advanced Outage Management & Performance Visualization

Advanced Outage Control Center Dashboard (AOCCD)
Technology No. CW-16-13-Advanced-Outage-Control
AOCCD displays an outage dashboard to show the status of a refueling outage in a nuclear power plant and provides predictions for the completion of bulk work. The dashboard comprehensively overviews current outage performance and uses historical data to predict work scope growth and fulfillment. The dashboard design uses advanced data visualization techniques for enhanced human cognition. The software computes several productivity metrics using previous outage schedule data, predicts the completion time for bulk work with a confidence factor, and displays critical path progress, key performance indicators, and management notices.

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  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (3)
    Shawn St Germain
    Jacques Hugo
    Shawn Stone
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    AOCCD: Advanced Outage Management & Performance Visualization.pdf
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