AquaPV Toolset: Revolutionizing Floating PV Deployment in the US

A comprehensive application for deploying Floating Photovoltaic systems in the US, offering environmental and economic assessments, regulatory insights, and a geospatial resource tool, aimed at policymakers, developers, and utilities.
Technology No. CW-23-69-AquaPV

The AquaPV Toolset is an innovative application for supporting the techno-economic analysis of Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) systems in the United States. It provides insights into the feasibility of FPV projects on US reservoirs regulated by FERC, USBR, and USACE and estuaries, making it valuable for policymakers, developers, utilities, and financial firms. Key features of AquaPV include an environmental assessment, FPV techno-economic analysis, and the technical potential of FPV in U.S. reservoirs. AquaPV combines comprehensive analysis, strategic planning support, and user-friendly interface to facilitate the deployment of FPV systems and support renewable energy initiatives in the US.

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (4)
    Juan Gallego-Calderon
    Tyler Phillips
    Tanveer Hussain
    Mucun Sun
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    AquaPV Toolset: Revolutionizing Floating PV Deployment in the US.pdf
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