BISON: Nuclear Fuel Performance Code

A finite element-based tool for modeling various nuclear fuel forms, solving thermomechanics and species diffusion equations in complex geometries.
Technology No. CW-11-02-BISON

BISON is a finite element-based nuclear fuel performance code. It is applicable to light water reactor fuel rods, TRISO particle fuel, metallic rod and plate fuel, and other fuel forms. BISON solves thermomechanics and species diffusion equations for 1D, 2D and 3D geometries, with fuel models that describe temperature properties, fission product swelling and other material aspects. Because it is based on the MOOSE framework, Bison can solve problems efficiently using standard workstations or very large high-performance computers.

This software is a controlled nuclear code, subject to a special release process due to its sensitive nature. To request access, please visit the Nuclear Computational Resource Center and create an account.

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (25)
    Idaho National Laboratory
    Argonne National Laboratory
    Structural Integrity Associates, Inc
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Kairos Power
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    General Atomics
    Jason Hales
    Richard Williamson
    Stephen Novascone
    Benjamin Spencer
    Giovanni Pastore
    Cody Permann
    David Andrs
    J.C. Newman, Jr.
    Michael Tonks
    Richard Martineau
    Danielle Perez
    Shane Stafford
    Frederick Gleicher
    JW Peterson
    Andrew Slaughter
    Pavel Medvedev
    Thomas Larson
    Derek Gaston
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    BISON: Nuclear Fuel Performance Code.pdf
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