CIEMAT: Cyber-Informed Engineering Microgrid Analysis Tool

CIEMAT helps microgrid designers and operators build stronger, more resilient systems by integrating engineering and cybersecurity measures to minimize the impact of cyber attacks.
Technology No. CW-24-43

As microgrids become a key part of energy delivery and management, protecting them from cyber attacks is increasingly important . CIEMAT guides microgrid designers and operators in integrating both engineering controls and traditional cybersecurity measures, ensuring that systems remain resilient from the planning phase through operations.

Microgrids and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are critical for reliable energy distribution, but they’re also increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks. Many current approaches focus heavily on cybersecurity solutions while overlooking how engineering design can minimize risk. The Department of Energy's Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE) program aims to close that gap by incorporating engineering controls to reduce the impact of cyber threats at every stage—from system design to operation.

CIEMAT uses the Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE) principles to guide users through a structured analysis of their microgrid. It helps identify the system's critical functions, assess the potential impact of cyber attacks on those functions, and suggests engineering opportunities to reduce the risk of disruption. In addition, CIEMAT assists in identifying where these cybersecurity measures are most needed, making it easier for operators to prioritize protections. The tool supports collaboration between engineers, cybersecurity experts, and operators to build systems that are both secure and resilient.


  • Helps engineers and operators work together to design more resilient microgrids.
  • Pinpoints critical functions vulnerable to cyber attacks and offers engineering opportunities to reduce those risks.
  • Provides a clear process for assessing and prioritizing cyber impacts.
  • Supports integration of both cybersecurity and engineering controls to create a layered defense.
  • Tailored for real-world application in power utilities and distributed energy services.


  • Microgrid design and operations for energy utilities and co-operatives.
  • Cybersecurity planning for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS).
  • Resilience enhancement for distributed energy systems.
  • Cross-disciplinary collaboration between engineering and IT teams for critical infrastructure protection.

This software is open source and available at no cost. Download now by visiting the product's GitHub page.

  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    CIEMAT: Cyber-Informed Engineering Microgrid Analysis Tool.pdf
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