DREEM: Dynamic Rare Earth Energy Model

An open-source model estimating rare earth element availability for wind turbine production, considering U.S. and Chinese markets and the impact on renewable energy goals.
Technology No. CW-18-01-DREEM
The INL Dynamic Rare Earth Energy Model, or “DREEM” was released under the Apache open source software licensee on June 13, 2018.  This model estimates U.S. and Chinese rare earth element (REE) availability that could support wind turbine production while considering other REE demand.  The development of the model was funded by the DOE Critical Materials Institute to understand the impact the REE supply chain has on direct-drive wind turbine deployment in the U.S. and how this may impact achievement of the nation’s renewable energy goals.

GitHub repository: https://github.com/IdahoLabResearch/DREEM
  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (7)
    Idaho National Laboratory
    Purdue University
    State University of New York - Buffalo
    Devin Imholte
    Ruby Nguyen
    Aditya Vedantam
    Ananth Iyer
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    DREEM: Dynamic Rare Earth Energy Model.pdf
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