HYBRID: Transient Process Models for Various Integrated Energy Systems

A collection of transient process models in Modelica for simulating the dynamics of various integrated energy systems and processes in a modular fashion.
Technology No. CW-19-15-HYBRID
HYBRID is a collection of a transient process models developed in the Modelica language capable of representing the physical dynamics of various integrated energy systems and processes. The models are developed in a modular way so as to allow users to quickly assemble and test various configurations and control systems. The systems studied are modular and made of an assembly of components. For example, a system could contain a hybrid nuclear reactor, a gas turbine, a battery and some renewables. This system would correspond to the size of a balance area, but in theory any size of system is imaginable. The system is modeled in the ‘Modelica/Dymola’ language.

This software is open source and available at no cost. Download now by visiting the product's GitHub page.
  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (12)
    Idaho National Laboratory
    Argonne National Laboratory
    Oak RIdge National Laboratory
    Aaron Epiney
    Cristian Rabiti
    Jong Kim
    Konor Frick
    Paul Talbot
    Robert Kinoshita
    Derek Stucki
    Michael Greenwood
    Roberto Poncierolli
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    HYBRID: Transient Process Models for Various Integrated Energy Systems.pdf
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