INL-Azure-DevOps-task: Agent Tasks for Microsoft Azure DevOps

A set of Microsoft Azure DevOps agent tasks, including a notable PL-SQL task for Oracle Database Server operations.
Technology No. CW-19-08
Inl-azure-devops-task is a collection of agent tasks for Microsoft Azure DevOps that have been developed by the INL. The most notable task is the PL-SQL task allowing a inline script, script file, or automatically generated script to run on an Oracle Database Server.  Substitution variables can be passed to the script.  Most tasks included are cross-platform and will run on Windows and Linux agents.

GitHub repository:
  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (1)
    Patrick Gunerud
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    INL-Azure-DevOps-task: Agent Tasks for Microsoft Azure DevOps.pdf
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