Irrigation Monitor: Analyzing On-Field Water Balances

This software collects irrigation data and evapotranspiration rates to analyze on-field water balances and monitor water usage.
Technology No. CW-23-43-irrmon

This software collects irrigation data and evapotranspiration rates to analyze on-field water balances and monitor water usage. The code automates the process of collecting and plotting water usage data for individual pivots, using local and crop-specific data. The main users of this software are farm managers who can track water usage on their farms and adjust application rates accordingly. Additionally, the software can be customized for use by Water Districts to monitor water usage across their districts. Many irrigation companies offer software or subscription services to track usage, and this software complements that data by allowing adjustments to the system based on changing weather conditions.

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (1)
    Damon Hartley
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    Irrigation Monitor: Analyzing On-Field Water Balances.pdf
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