LIGGGHTS-INL: Biomass Particle Simulation and Modeling
An extension of the LIGGGHTS software, focusing on industrial applications such as biomass particle flow modeling in biofuel production.
Technology No. CW-21-05-LIGGGHTS-INL
LIGGGHTS-INL is an extended version of LIGGGHTS, an Open Source
Particle Simulation Software. LIGGGHTS is based on LAMMPS, a widely
used molecular dynamics simulator. LIGGGHTS aims to improve the
capability of LAMMPS for industrial applications, specifically in
biomass particle flow modeling. The software will be kept
open-source and free to use for the general public. The goal is to
address process upsets in biomass feedstock handling, such as
jamming and clogging, which hinder the cost reduction and market
competitiveness of biofuels. Our innovation lies in developing
laboratory experiment-informed/validated, semi-empirical
mechanistic laws for biomass particles and implementing them in the
software. We benefit from the support of INL’s Biomass Feedstock
National User Facility (BFNUF) for experimental validation. Our
solution offers numerical predictability of granular biomass flow
and serves as a valuable design tool for biomass feedstock handling
equipment optimization.
This software is open source and available at no cost. Download now by visiting the product's GitHub page.
This software is open source and available at no cost. Download now by visiting the product's GitHub page.