MaCaw: Tracking Particles on Unstructured Meshes and OpenMC for Collision Physics

MaCaw is a prototypical application used for transport calculations of neutral particles. It uses MOOSE for tracking particles on unstructured meshes and OpenMC for collision physics, materials, and tallying.
Technology No. CW-23-42

MaCaw is a prototypical application used for transport calculations of neutral particles. It uses MOOSE for tracking particles on unstructured meshes and OpenMC for collision physics, materials, and tallying. Here is a summary of MaCaw's key features:

- MaCaw only requires the definition of the unstructured mesh. A shim OpenMC geometry will automatically be generated.

- Ray tracing on the mesh: MOOSE handles the particle's movement between collisions. The geometry is distributed among processes and particles crossing process boundaries are communicated to other ranks.

- Communication algorithm: MaCaw uses the SMART algorithm to guide the simulation execution and handle communication of particles between processes.

- Collision physics: MaCaw uses OpenMC's collision physics routines to model particle collisions with the medium.

- Tallying: MaCaw uses the OpenMC tally system to evaluate various quantities during the simulation.

- Known limitations: MaCaw does not sort the fission source for parallel reproducibility and does not simulate secondary particles.

MaCaw was developed to study domain-decomposed unstructured mesh work balancing in Monte Carlo simulations. Please note that MaCaw's current limitations limit its usage for other types of analysis and purposes.

This software is open source and available at no cost. Download now by visiting the product's GitHub page.

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (3)
    Guillaume Giudicelli
    Logan Harbour
    Derek Gaston
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    MaCaw: Tracking Particles on Unstructured Meshes and OpenMC for Collision Physics.pdf
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