NPD HYDRO: Streamlining Hydropower Development with Strategic Site Prioritization

NPD HYDRO empowers stakeholders with a unique tool for the prioritization and national-level screening of Non-Powered Dam (NPD) sites for hydropower development, based on customizable criteria reflecting grid, community, industry, and environmental benefits.
Technology No. CW-23-64-NPD-Hydro

NPD HYDRO, the Non-Powered Dam Hydropower Development and Ranking Opportunity Tool, revolutionizes the approach to identifying and assessing potential sites for hydropower conversion, offering a user-centric platform for evaluating benefits across multiple impact areas.

With the increasing focus on renewable energy sources, the potential for converting NPDs into productive hydropower sites has garnered significant interest. However, the challenge lies in efficiently screening and prioritizing these opportunities to align with specific developmental goals and benefits. NPD HYDRO addresses this need by providing a comprehensive tool that evaluates sites based on a holistic consideration of grid contributions, community impact, industry advancement, and environmental sustainability.

NPD HYDRO facilitates the analysis and ranking of NPD sites for hydropower development, allowing users to set priorities according to their specific interests and objectives. It integrates a multifaceted evaluation framework, the GCIE impact scores, to assess potential benefits in four key categories: Grid, Community, Industry, and Environment. Additionally, the tool offers insights into the feasibility of incorporating energy storage solutions like battery systems, hydrogen electrolysis, and pumped-storage hydropower (PSH) during the NPD conversion process. Designed to support national-level screening, NPD HYDRO enables a focused approach to site selection, tailored to the user-defined criteria.


  • Customizable Site Prioritization: Allows users to rank NPD sites based on personalized criteria, reflecting diverse benefits.
  • Comprehensive Impact Assessment: Evaluates potential development benefits across grid, community, industry, and environmental factors.
  • Energy Storage Feasibility Analysis: Provides qualitative assessments for integrating energy storage solutions in NPD conversions.
  • National-Level Screening: Offers a strategic tool for identifying and concentrating efforts on the most promising hydropower sites.


  • NPD Owners and Hydropower Developers: For identifying optimal sites for hydropower projects.
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): To advocate for projects with significant community and environmental benefits.
  • Federal and State Agencies: In planning and supporting sustainable hydropower development initiatives.

Maximize the potential of non-powered dam conversions with NPD HYDRO. Harness this innovative tool to strategically prioritize hydropower development sites, aligning project selection with your specific goals and the broader benefits to the grid, community, industry, and environment.

This software is open source and available at no cost. Download Now

  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    NPD HYDRO: Streamlining Hydropower Development with Strategic Site Prioritization.pdf
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