OPENS: Digital Conversion for Nuclear Plant Procedures
Operating Procedure Extender for Novel Systems
Technology No. CW-20-23-OPENS
OPENS converts paper-based operating procedures used in nuclear power plants into a digital format using a four-phase compilation algorithm. The problem it addresses is the inefficiency of paper-based processes, which still need to be updated to take advantage of digital technology advancements. The target customers are nuclear power plants that still use paper procedures. The tool is the first of its kind and interfaces with an existing digital presentation system developed by INL. The benefits of its successful implementation include cost savings in person-hours and operational costs, which could be passed on to consumers.
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This software is under copyright. To purchase a license, please use the 'Contact Us' form on this page. We will respond as promptly as possible.
swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (8)Idaho National LaboratoryCRI AdvantageUnited Global TechnologiesJacob LehmerKatya Le BlancJohanna OxstrandStacey WhitmoreJardain Kenner
swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)Product brochureOPENS: Digital Conversion for Nuclear Plant Procedures.pdf