Pronghorn: Advanced Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Code

Specializes in modeling gas-cooled reactors, filling the gap between detailed CFD and lumped system models.
Technology No. CW-19-18-Pronghorn

Pronghorn is a multi-dimensional, coarse-mesh, thermal-hydraulics code for advanced reactors and is particularly well-suited to model gas-cooled pebble bed and prismatic reactors. It serves the intermediate fidelity realm situated between detailed computational fluid dynamics analysis and lumped system models.

This software is a controlled nuclear code, subject to a special release process due to its sensitive nature. To request access, please visit the Nuclear Computational Resource Center and create an account.

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (16)
    Idaho National Laboratory
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Argonne National Laboratory
    Richard Martineau
    Javier Ortensi
    Yaqi Wang
    Sebastian Schunert
    Cody Permann
    Daniel Schwen
    Andrew Slaughter
    David Andrs
    Derek Gaston
    Robert Carlsen
    Paulo Balestra
    Rachel Slaybaugh
    April Novak
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    Pronghorn: Advanced Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Code.pdf
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