Storm DEPART: Damage Estimate Prediction and Recovery Tool

Storm DEPART provides predictive damage assessments and resource allocation models to optimize pre-incident planning and recovery for power generation and distribution networks.
Technology No. CW-24-26-StormDEPART

Storm DEPART: Damage Estimate Prediction and Recovery Tool

Storm DEPART is a powerful tool designed to support electric utilities' pre-incident planning and recovery by predicting damage to power generation capacity, transmission grids, distribution networks, and communications assets. It uses advanced modeling to provide detailed damage assessments and resource allocation plans.

Natural disasters like storms and hurricanes pose significant risks to power generation and distribution network infrastructure. Accurate pre-incident planning is essential to mitigate these risks, ensure rapid recovery, and minimize downtime. Storm DEPART was developed to address this need by leveraging predictive modeling to estimate potential damage and resource requirements.

Storm DEPART integrates weather models with infrastructure data to predict damage to power systems. It considers factors such as wind bands, storm surge, flooding forecasts, and asset-specific details like construction type, age, location, and wind rating. The tool generates a bill of materials (BOM) for recovery operations and provides resource allocation plans, including worker schedules and lodging constraints. Key features include:

  • Predictive Damage Assessment: Calculates potential damage based on weather forecasts and infrastructure data.
  • Bill of Materials (BOM): Generates detailed BOMs for short-term recovery operations.
  • Resource Allocation Modeling: Estimates resource needs, including workforce and lodging, to optimize recovery efforts.
  • Customizable Inputs: Incorporates specific data from participants to refine predictions and plans.


  • Accurate Predictions: Uses advanced modeling to provide reliable damage assessments.
  • Comprehensive Planning: Offers detailed BOMs and resource allocation plans for efficient recovery.
  • Customizable: Adapts to specific participant data for tailored predictions.
  • Optimized Recovery: Helps utilities minimize restoration costs and downtime.


  • Electric Utilities: Predict damage and plan recovery for power generation and distribution networks.
  • Disaster Management: Enhance pre-incident planning for natural disasters.
  • Infrastructure Management: Assess and manage risks to critical infrastructure.
  • Resource Planning: Optimize allocation of resources for post-incident recovery.

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  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    Storm DEPART: Damage Estimate Prediction and Recovery Tool.pdf
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