WEST: Assessing Water Resource Management

Water-Energy Simulation Toolset (WEST)
Technology No. CW-16-10-WEST
The Water-Energy Simulation Toolset (WEST) is an interactive simulation model that helps visualize the impacts of different stakeholders on the water quantity and quality of a watershed. The case study is applied to the Snake River Basin with the fictional name Cutthroat River Basin. Four groups of stakeholders of interest exist hydropower, agriculture, flood control, and environmental protection. Currently, the quality component depicts nitrogen-Nitrate contaminant. Users can easily interact with the model by changing specific inputs (climate change, fertilizer inputs, etc.) to observe the change over the entire system. Users can also change specific parameters to test their management policy.

GitHub repository: https://github.com/idaholabUnsupported/West
  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (4)
    Idaho National Laboratory
    Sandia National Laboratory
    Ruby Nguyen
    Robert Jeffers
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    WEST: Assessing Water Resource Management.pdf
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