Wetlands Geoprocessor: A Groundbreaking Tool for Evaluating and Planning Constructed Wetlands

The Wetlands Geoprocessor model innovatively evaluates water purification potential and estimates the cost of constructing surface flow wetlands, offering crucial insights for environmental management and sustainable development.
Technology No. CW-23-59

The Wetlands Geoprocessor stands as a pivotal tool for stakeholders in environmental management, agriculture, urban planning, and conservation, providing an unparalleled capability to analyze and estimate the effectiveness and costs of implementing surface flow constructed wetlands for water purification.

Constructed wetlands serve as vital components in efforts to purify water, mitigate pollution, and enhance biodiversity. However, quantifying their potential impact and associated costs remains a challenge, hindering widespread adoption and optimization. The Wetlands Geoprocessor addresses this gap by employing a comprehensive model that integrates advanced scientific equations and statistical models, offering precise evaluations of nitrate and orthophosphate load reductions alongside cost assessments for wetland construction.

Utilizing data and methodologies from leading research, the Wetlands Geoprocessor calculates the purification results of constructed wetlands based on various parameters including storage capacity, daily flow, and nutrient loading. The model provides a multifaceted analysis that includes not only mean estimates but also confidence intervals for purification efficiency and installation costs. This allows for a more detailed and nuanced planning process, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions based on specific environmental, community, and economic goals.


  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Offers detailed insights into water purification capabilities and associated costs of constructed wetlands.
  • Customizable Analysis: Tailors results to user-defined priorities, facilitating focused and effective planning.
  • Scientific Rigor: Integrates robust scientific data and models to provide reliable and accurate estimates.
  • Support for Sustainable Development: Aids in the strategic planning of environmental conservation efforts and sustainable infrastructure projects.


  • Environmental Agencies & Regulators: For monitoring water quality and planning wetland construction projects.
  • Municipalities & Urban Planners: To incorporate sustainable water management practices in city planning.
  • Farmers & Agricultural Associations: For implementing natural water purification solutions to mitigate agricultural runoff.
  • Water Resource Managers: In managing and improving water resources through sustainable practices.
  • Researchers & Academics: As a valuable tool for studying wetland ecosystems and nutrient cycling.
  • Environmental Consultants: For advising clients on cost-effective and environmentally friendly water purification methods.
  • Conservation Organizations: In advocating for and implementing constructed wetlands to improve water quality.
  • Public Utility Companies: To explore alternative methods for pre-treatment water quality improvement.

Embrace the future of sustainable water management with the Wetlands Geoprocessor. Utilize this innovative tool to plan and implement constructed wetlands effectively, ensuring cleaner water bodies, enhanced biodiversity, and a healthier environment.

This software is open source and available at no cost. Download now by visiting the product's GitHub page.

  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    Wetlands Geoprocessor: A Groundbreaking Tool for Evaluating and Planning Constructed Wetlands.pdf
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