ATIS: Malware Analysis and STIX Data Transformation

Any Threat Intelligence to STIX (ATIS)

Automated NVD Vulnerability Search to STIX Bundle Translator

Convert National Vulnerability Database searches into structured STIX data for enhanced security intelligence and analysis.

CATCH: Comprehensive Telemetry Analysis and Threat Intelligence Framework for Advanced Security

Collect, analyze, and report on anomalous telemetry data with the CATCH CLI and CGUI, integrating Neo4j and STIX 2.1 for standardized, actionable intelligence.

EMV: Exploit, Malware, and Vulnerability Scoring GUI

A customizable application that allows users to create and apply their own scoring schema to cyber issues, interfacing with STIX objects and supporting export functions.

ESE: Comprehensive STIX1-to-STIX2 Conversion Tool

Enhanced STIX Elevator (ESE)

STAR: Structured Threat Automated Response

Automates response actions for cybersecurity threats by executing STIX Course of Action objects in Python.

STIG: Graph-Based Threat Intelligence and Response System

Structured Threat Intelligence Graph (STIG)

STIXEnforcer: Advanced STIX 2.1 Data Enrichment and Error Correction Tool

Structured Threat Information Expression Style Enforcer

STOAT: Automated Scoring Tool for Software Weaknesses

Scoring Threat Object Analysis Tool (STOAT)

Storm DEPART: Damage Estimate Prediction and Recovery Tool

Storm DEPART provides predictive damage assessments and resource allocation models to optimize pre-incident planning and recovery for power generation and distribution networks.

STOTS: Network Threat Analysis and Visualization Suite

Structured Threat Observation Tool Set (STOTS)